Monday, April 25, 2011

April 2011

It has been a while since I posted so thought I would show you a couple pictures of what I have been doing. This is a quilt I made for Savannah. The squares were all made by the guests at her baby shower in December. I just assembled it and added the border and did a little hand quilting on it. I think it turned out really nice. The idea for everyone to bring a square was Amy's and it was a great one.

These are the three crosses I quilted for the church. They were hung for Easter Sunday and will stay on the side wall for a while then will be moved to the back wall of the church which is where they will stay indefinitely. What a pleasure it was to make these and then see them hanging.

This is where they are currently handling between the stained glass windows.

Here are my three of my favorite girls! I went down to Phoenix last Friday and spent the night with Nick and Shelley and then went to an egg hunt with them on Saturday. This was taken Saturday morning right after we were all waking up. I love being at their house in the morning!

Savannah was having a great time at the egg hunt, however, the only way I could get this kind of a smile from her was because she was looking at her Daddy! He can get the best smiles from her. Hard to believe she is already 3 months old.

This week we are working hard to get ready for the rummage sale at the church and are planning a trip to Phoenix to see the Diamonbacks play a couple games. We have been having beautiful weather here and are thinking about planting our garden soon.