Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 17, 2013

Today started off on a little bit of a downer.  We got to the RV place to get the faucet replaced and discovered that they had been sent the wrong faucet and it would not work in the camper.  So we still have a leaky faucet and won’t be able to get it fixed until we get back to Phoenix.  However, after that it turned into a wonderful day.  Most of the roads that we were on today were narrow, no shoulder or guard rails and steep drop-offs.  Wayne did a much better job of driving that I did riding!!!  We stopped at the Matanuska Glacier which was about halfway on our trip so was a good place to have lunch.  It is a glacier that you can actually walk on and we did.  The road to get to the glacier was very bumpy and gravel but well worth the trip and the $15 each it cost us to get in.  Walking on a glacier is the most amazing thing.  It looks like gravel and snow and then you will see a spot that is crystal clear blue ice and you realize that you are walking on a huge piece of ice.  We walked in about a half-mile on the glacier, jumped over a couple streams of very cold water and spent a delightful couple of hours there.  I am now a lover of glaciers – they are just the greatest thing.

We got back on the road and saw some incredible scenery.  Alaska is an amazing place and the scenery is too magnificent for words.  We are spending tonight at a campground called Tolsona Wilderness Campground and it is appropriately named.  There is a creek right behind our site that is beautiful and it is relaxing to hear the water.  The mosquitoes are very bad – people told us today that this is one of the worst years they can remember for mosquitoes – also for the warm weather they are having.  We have no internet or phone service here so I will post this tomorrow when we have access.  Tomorrow will be our last full day in Alaska as we will cross into Canada the first thing on Wednesday morning.  No phone calls till we reach the lower 48!!
Matanuska Glacier

Us standing on the glacier

A closer view of the glacier

Our campground that we shared with the mosquitoes

The creek behind our campsite

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